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Transform Your Life with Your Positive Thoughts

Like a well-kept garden, our mind needs daily weeding to retain the thoughts that will bear positive actions. Preparing the mind with the right environment simply increases the chance of coming up with positive thoughts. Every action begins with a thought and therefore the thoughts occurring to your mind should be examined carefully for the scope of possible fruitful action. The onslaught of information in the modern world makes the mind vulnerable to accepting outside influences easily and this overwhelms the positive qualities that lie within. Find some time daily to focus on the ideas coming to you and identify how many of them can be turned into positive action. Your life can change for the better with the proportion of positive thoughts going up and the negative ones decreasing gradually. It takes disciplined effort to nurture and develop positive thoughts and stack habits based on them. By being consistent and mindful one can achieve success. Identify thoughts worthy of actio

New article " Music for the Soul" published in "Outlook" magazine

  My article "Music for the Soul" has been published in 'Outlook' magazine's Weekend Reads section on 27th January 2024. Here's the link.....

Article Published in People Development Magazine

The following article has been published in People Development Magazine- 7 March, 2023  "Declutter Your Mind and Keep it Freshly Cultivated"

How To Make Your Exercise Time Spiritually Fulfilling

  You may be planning for a long time to exercise daily but have yet to be able to start. The thought of exercising may not bring you enough enthusiasm. What if you can view the process holistically and incorporate some spiritual flavour? Sometimes when we change our perspective, we enjoy and gain more of a job. Exercise usually brings to our mind pain, sweat and exhaustion. However, exercise is associated with a sense of fulfilment, energized and enhanced living for some. Whatever the outcome, exercise is essential for our daily life, and we all must do some kind of exercise every day. However, exercise time can be immensely fruitful and fulfilling if we add a spiritual flavour. By spiritual flavour, we mean surrendering our efforts and the fruits to the Almighty and doing it with the spirit of selfless service. Keep spirituality at the core: During exercise, we usually push ourselves for better performance, which causes exhaustion. We cannot continue for long if our mind is fixed

Meditation for Empowered Living

    The power of meditation can be harnessed in daily life. The scattered mind can be concentrated and focused on a positive thought in meditation, increasing its capacity in manifolds. Meditation is the panacea for the disturbances of modern life. Many of us don’t find enough time to meditate. But even fifteen minutes a day can be sufficient to bring some positive life changes. If done with dedication, meditation can change life’s perspective, increase work efficiency and evoke spiritual growth in us. Those who meditate regularly have a definite advantage over those who don’t. From mindfulness to meditation: The practice of mindfulness in all activities helps to concentrate. A person who remains attentive to all activities can meditate easily because his mind is constantly focused. This focus is further deepened in meditation as we introspect within ourselves. Introspection gives us clarity of mind that translates into specific mental power. The journey from mindfulness to medit

Declutter Your Mind and Keep It Freshly Cultivated

  A famous devotional song in Bengali has these lines: “O mind! You don’t know how to cultivate. / The human field remains barren, / Would have grown golden crops if you cultivated it properly.” Nothing can be more appropriate than this. If managed properly, your mind can give you a repertoire of golden ideas. For this, you must declutter your mind from time to time, and must store there productive thoughts carefully. A cluttered mind can include: ·          Overthinking a subject ·          Focusing on the negative ·          Worrying about things that you cannot control ·          Holding onto negative emotions and experiences ·          Keeping a mental to-do list, including incomplete dreams and goals ·          Having external distractions and constant sensory inputs A cluttered mind wastes your time and energy. It gives rise to mental confusion, distraction, and disorganization that comes in the way of identifying priorities, making decisions, having focus, and be