
Thought For Today

Try your best if you genuinely believe that your contribution is making a positive difference in the lives of those you care for however unacknowledged it may seem to be.

Thought For Today

It is the best system that accepts human flaws and tries to make life better through planned motivation.

Thought For Today

Being alive is a constant struggle that seldom pushes us to the barrier to exert our worthiest self.

Thought For Today

The thing that matters the most in the long term is the amount of original work you have done with your existing resources.

Thought For Today

The first thing to understand for creative contribution is your limitation.

Thought For Today

A better way to continue doing a job you don’t like so much is to take it as a responsibility for which you don’t expect appreciation.

Thought For Today

A habit that becomes a compulsion creates a sense of urgency that cannot be justified.